Varicose Vain Treatment What Are Varicose Veins? – WORLD GLOBAL NEWS

Varicose veins occur due to the accumulation of d within the veins. The best way to treat varicose varicose varicose varico.

Symptoms Of Varicose Veins
* Swollen twisted veins purple or blue veins
* Swollen feet, ankles, and legs
* The leg may hurt, cramps in the muscles or soreness
* Feeling weighty in your legs
* Pain behind the knee

Factors which increase the risk of Varicose Veins
They are the most prevalent among females.
Wear and tear get older
* Genetics
• Inactivity

Varicose Vein Treatment Options
* Sclerotherapy : Non-surgical therapy where chemicals are injected into veins, causing them to shrink and then disappear.
* Photoderm therapy – – Treats tiny spider veins.
* Laser therapy heats the vein, making the vein disappear.
* Surgical Ligation : A procedure where the vein is pulled out and/or fixed.

Visit a doctor if you feel there’s a sore, an ulcer or swelling. Move your legs up, lift them to avoid sitting longer than necessary and use special socks to avoid the deterioration in varicose veins. Discuss with a medical professional the most effective method to treat and control varicose veins. jjqpwjoa2t.