Visible Signals of a Termite Infestation – NC Pool Supply

Your home should be inspected on a regular basis for signs of termites. The homeowners should be aware of the signs of termite infestation. They are signs.

Mud tubes are a sign of termite infestation as per the narration of the video. They use the mud tubes for tunnels in order to defend themselves as they travel from their nest to the structure. There are mud tubes along the slab or expansion joints.

Frass in small amounts is another sign of termite damage. While these look like wood chipspings or sawdust termite droppings. As termites burrow through the wooden slab, they create droppings. Another sign of termite infestation is hollowed flooring or walls. Because termites chew through the wood, they make tunnels, which could cause walls or floors to cave. The fourth common indicator of termite damage is the presence of swarms. Homeowners may be able to notice huge number of swarms around their house, which may signal an imminent problem. ofjhl3ak8h.