Why Should Your Estate Plan Include Life Insurance? – Insurance Magazine


Financial support for grieving families

There are two major types that are life insurance: universal and total or term insurance. Though both types are useful as Estate planning, contact the estate planning experts is crucial. When your family, company or estate requirements evolve, it is important to review the life insurance coverage you currently have. A life insurance broker can aid you in choosing which one is best for you.

Term life insurance is a type of policy that covers an agreed amount of time. It is usually between 10 and 30 years. It is the most suitable option for people with limited needs for insurance, like those who need to provide for their minor children till they become adults. Because it is fixed, it’s accessible, particularly for young people. On the other hand, perpetual life insurance provides lifetime insurance, making it the perfect choice for estate planning. The cost is high and must be bought if you are planning to create a an extensive or complicated estate.

But should an estate plan contain life insurance? It may not appear to affect how you will get rid of your money. It’s an essential part of a properly thought-out estate plan. The money you earn from life insurance is much more than a simple sum for your inheritors. There are several reasons for estate planning to incorporate life insurance.

Estate Taxes Payment

One of the best methods to pay for estate taxes is by obtaining the purchase of a life insurance policy. Federal estate taxes must be paid no later than nine months following the death of the owner. They are applicable to any estate left by the deceased. In addition to federal estate taxes, some states impose state estate taxes. The life insurance’s proceeds is exempt from taxes.

Estates worth above 24.12 millions US dollars per couple, and 12.06 millions US dollars for singles are assessed a tax rate which can reach 40 percent. A short time period of nine months to pay taxes and the high tax amount could cause anxiety in families who have suffered the loss of a loved one especially if there is no illiquid assets. Life insurance
